

Sometimes SHE does not want to give her thoughts ,much time to occupy her mind…SHE probably is still running away from…they all treated her differently , stared her purposely , tried to perish her soul into sharp and spiky shreds of glass…but there is SHE enduring her past , bearing her present and holding her future…trying to sail through, though it seems insanely impossible to get where SHE wants to be…SHE is nothing for them just a mere soothing sight…she doesn’t keep a soul rather a mask…Yes , SHE is no one except a dream , which crashes badly on the sight of the DAWN…but nor SHE is a monster of DUSK…

They traced her screams to find was SHE  there ??…for SHE was on her way with no earthly traces…its not that SHE tried to escape in space…as SHE was waiting for that day…so long and so thirstily..that made her to drink her tears each moment…SHE painted herself up as SHE thinks she  could be disguised…for SHE did not remember , that they remember those shades…those hues…that smell…SHE was caught up again BUT this time, SHE decided, she ‘ll find her path out of that cage…for last time she surrended and not strive that hard…for the breath of a fresh air…SHE wanted to spread her magnificent, BIG, shinny wings in that breeze that’ ll fly her to the heights…the peaks she once imagined of…the colours she once died for…the beat that she missed…the warmth she lost … SHE struggled through that silence and faced their attacks…and this time SHE not only bore BUT reacted in a way they never thought of…FOR this time SHE knows SHE is more than a HE..!!


I really do not know from where to start and what to write…

I even do not know why am I writing this for and whether it would effect anything on this earth…

What I know and want to share is all about, the story of fear…

The fear of death…the fear of truth, the fear of our own identities, the fear of oblivion…

It’s just the fear that keeps us moving…which keeps us in our shells… keeps us away from what we are and what we could be…

It’s the fear that has made a human greedy for the flesh and blood of the other…

It’s the fear to get doomed one day…

It’s the fear that keeps the dogs barking, whole night…the wolves howling, the owls not blinking…and most of us sleeping…

Sad it is…but true!


It is the real story of fear that holds not even a shadow but still plays the most significant part in our lives…

it’s always the fear which keeps us loving our dear ones…the fear of losing them…the fear of not seeing them…not feeling them…

Our life and its fears…that’s all what we have…?

The goals we set in our lives, the ambitions we make ….just because of this non-existent, not so real

Yet the most powerful of all: fear!

isn’t it amazing to know that the very concept of the relationship between God and His creatures is always defined and dictated in terms of “fear”…instead of driven by love…its fear which abides one by all the laws and principles for governing this life on the righteous path….

All of us are nothing but merely the art pieces shaped delicately by fear….

But we need to take a moment out from this fearful life…and like a dauntless person we need to think that do we really want to be what our fears want us to be….or we do have space for more strong emotions to take place in….are we going to let ourselves consumed by this monster of fear throughout the breaths we have on this earth or do we have a completely different perspective to visualize the things…

But before this, let me tell you a short but a fearless story of 9 years old boy…named Ali, who was a student of grade 3. Quite sharp, reflexive and intelligent boy he was…strongly loved and pampered by his mother and father. As he was the only child of his parents, they were quite worried about his health, his studies and most of all his future. His mother always used to pray whenever; he left home for school in the morning or went out for playing with his friends. His father mostly used to drop and pick him up from school every day and rarely missed one. Ali was like the whole world for his parents. His parents also use to fear about their world, the same way as we do for ours. But that boy was too innocent and young for understanding those fears.  One unfortunate morning, Ali got ready for his school and his mother prayed for his long and prosperous life, in routine and his father dropped him, not knowing that this was the last time he was seeing his precious world. That day, a group of terrorists attacked his school and killed hundreds of little angels but when they entered in, where Ali was studying, all the students yelled and screamed out of fear but one little boy remained silent and went near to those devils and asked: do you really think this gun would frighten us all, you would scare us from educating ourselves and you would take us away from our parents? No, you can’t, you never would because you only know the power of creating fear. What I have been taught is the power of goodness and love for all! that’s something immortal…my mother has taught me , that love for God and for our beloved ones rests in our souls…the heart which is not made of flesh and blood but the heart which is made of faith , truth and trust. However, Ali did not know who he was talking to…they were not the humans with that fearless heart rather the ugliest masterpieces of fear. Who believe more in the silence created by fear than that felt by tranquility and love?  That day, Ali didn’t come back but his words did. A horrifying massacre was recorded in the history of ‘mankind’. Parallely , taught the most important and the real meaning of this short trip of earth, to the existing ‘humans’ in the message by Ali.


Life is far more giant and beautiful than the imposters created by fear__ what Ali had in his last words was not the fears ,of his parents but the love which they gave him. The love of educating our souls, the love of living a peaceful life, the love for standing for the right and on the right. The love for identifying who we are , what we want from our life , how we want to see our God as…by helping others , by consoling others , by changing their lives beautifully and by changing ours, miraculously just by getting out of those artificial shells created by fear . Yes, our fears, nothing else which do not let us do any good with this life and directs only towards the destruction.